Step 2: Do internship (AT)

After completing the supplementary training, and has received a decision from us, it is time to do your medical internship (AT). This is an employment position a time-specified clinical training with supervision.

Once you have completed the supplementary education/training and before you can apply for a licence to practise as a doctor, you must do a medical internship (AT). During your medical internship, you are employed as an intern with a private or governmental employer. If you work as a substitute, you are not able to include those hours in the calculation of your medical internship. In order to be able to do a medical internship, you need a special arrangement from the employer.

A minimum of eighteen months

During your medical internship, you must work a minimum of eighteen months. You may choose to perform your medical internship on a part-time basis however it must add up to a total of 18 months of full-time practise (i.e. thirty-six months at 50% of full- time). You will need to work a minimum of

  • nine months in internal medicine subspecialties and surgical subspecialties (a minimum of three months each)
  • three months in the field of psychiatry
  • six months in internal medicine (general practitioner), which must be completed at the latest during the medical internship period.

Do a medical internship on a block appointment

You must complete your medical internship on a block appointment (blockförordnande) – a limited-term contiguous employment position of a minimum of eighteen months. If you change employers, you must obtain a new medical internship block, and your former employer must approve the sections that you have already done in order for you to be able to include that time in the calculations of your medical internship.

Follow these steps

  1. You will need to find, using your own efforts, a workplace where you can do your medical internship.
  2. During your medical internship, your internship supervisor is to fill in and approve each section of your medical internship-book.
  3. When you have finished your medical internship, you can apply for a licence to practise in the next step. Send the original medical internship book along with your application.

Frequently asked questions

Where can I see my decision?

We’ll e-mail you the decision.

Question: Can I do my medical internship anywhere?

Yes. What is required is that one can obtain a block appointment (blockförordnande) in the workplace.

Do you have questions about how to apply?

Telephone: 075-247 30 00
Telephone hours: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 9–11

Do you have questions about your current application?

If you have submitted an application and have questions about your application, you can contact us. Always state your case number (diary number). During the summer, we have lower staffing, which results in longer response times to incoming questions.

Telephone: 075-247 30 00
Telephone hours: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 9–11


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