Step 3: Take a course in Swedish laws and regulations

Once you have received a decision from us that you have passed the proficiency test, the next step is to take a web course in Swedish laws and regulations. The course focuses on the laws and regulations to which the healthcare system is subject. The course is free of charge.

Follow these steps

  1. Sign up for the course in Swedish laws and regulations at Lund University
  2. Take the course full-time or part-time – you choose yourself.

Frequently asked questions

When can I take the course?

When you get a decision from the National Board of Health and Welfare that you have passed the proficiency test, you can apply to the web course in Swedish laws and regulations.

Once you have registered for the course, Lund University will notify you of the first available date to start the course. Admission takes place at regular intervals. You can study the course full-time or part-time.

You can do your practical service before or after the course. You can also complete the course in parallel with the practical training, as long as you don't do it during working hours.

What happens if I do not pass?

You must pass the course in order to proceed. Contact the university for more information on what you need to do to be approved.

Do you have further questions about this step?

For more information on the course and how to register, go to Lund University's website.

Rules for course in Swedish laws and regulations (in Swedish)

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