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Step 1: Have your education assessed

To make it possible for you to obtain your licence we need to assess your education you received abroad. We will determine whether it is equivalent to the Swedish educations level, length and content. After that you will receive a decision explaining whether you can proceed and how to take the next step.

In Sweden there are two pharmacy programs, a five-year long programme to become a pharmacist and a three-year long programme to the become a prescriptionist. If you have a foreign pharmacy education, you have the opportunity to apply for a review of your education as both pharmacist and prescriptionist.

How to get your education assessed

You will need to submit an application if you would like your education to be assessed. Fill out an application form and send it to us along with several required documents. Do not send your original documents. If we need to assess the original documents, we will notify you.

The application must contain

  • an application form for assessment of education abroad
  • a copy of the first page of your valid passport or a copy of your valid Swedish ID card.

Please also send copies of the following documents, in both the original language and translated to Swedish or English:

  • a copy of a certificate of completed education, for example your diploma
  • a copy of a certificate that lists the courses you took and how long the programme lasted
  • a copy of a certificate that shows any changes you have made to your first or last name after completing the programme.

After entering your application in our system, we will send a confirmation to any email address you have provided. Confirmation is sent via e-mail only.

Download and print the application form

Application form for assessment of education received outside the EU and EEA (pdf)

Send your application and all documents to:

106 30 Stockholm

You can also send your application by e-mail. All attachments must then be in PDF format.


How long does it take?

It takes about 3 months to get your education assessed. We will send you an e-mail when we have made a decision.

About secure e-mail

If an e-mail message contains any personal information other than your name, we will send what is known as a confidential or encrypted message to you via e-mail. You will then receive an e-mail message containing a link. Click on the link to access your message.

You can open your message on a computer, mobile phone or other device. When you close the device, remember to log out from the message itself, and follow the instructions rather than closing by clicking on the X. This will allow you to open the message multiple times.

The message will remain accessible for 30 days. You can save the entire message and the attached file on your computer, mobile phone or other device.

Frequently asked questions

What is meant by secure e-mail?

If an e-mail message contains any personal information other than your name, we will send what is known as a confidential or encrypted message to you via e-mail. You will then receive an e-mail message containing a link. Click on the link to access your message.

You can open your message on a computer, mobile phone or other device. When you close the device, remember to log out from the message itself, and follow the instructions rather than closing by clicking on the X. This will allow you to open the message multiple times.

The message will remain accessible for 30 days. You can save the entire message and the attached file on your computer, mobile phone or other device.

What are the rules for translating documents?

Documents written in Swedish, Norwegian, Danish or English do not need to be translated. The translation can be done in any country. Translation means that a certified translator translates your documents to Swedish or English. The Swedish Legal, Financial and Administrative Services Agency (Kammarkollegiet) has a register of certified translators. The National Board of Health and Welfare also accepts translations from the Public Employment Service (Arbetsförmedlingen).

Do I need to know Swedish to apply to have my education assessed?

No. You do not need to know Swedish to have your education assessed (step 1). However, you need to be able to speak Swedish to pass several of the steps up to licence and you need to show your language skills with a certificate or grade at the latest when you apply for a licence.

What happens if I do not have all the documents?

If the situation in your country of education does not allow you to get the documents needed for your application you can still apply. If that is the case, you should submit the documents you have and an explanation why you cannot submit all the required documents.

If you do not have a graduate certificate or diploma, contact the Swedish Council for Higher Education (Universitets- och högskolerådet, UHR) and apply for a so-called Background Paper. Once you have this, please enclose it with your application to us.

What can I do while waiting on the decision?

Here are a few suggestions:

Does it cost something to obtain an assessment of your education?


Do I need a residence permit or have a Swedish personal identity number?

We do not require that you have a Swedish social security or coordination number, a residence permit or that you live in Sweden to have your education assessed (step 1). However, you need a Swedish social security or coordination number when it's time to apply for a licence (step 5).

In order to practice or go to school in Sweden you will have to obtain a residence or work permit from the Swedish Migration Board (Migrationsverket).

It is important that you notify us if you have updated your personal data, e.g. get a social security number or coordination number or change your name, so that we can update the information in the register for Healthcare professionals (HOSP).

What happens if the National Board of Health and Welfare rejects my application for assessment?

If the National Board of Health and Welfare after its assessment does not approve your foreign training it means that your training is not similar enough to the Swedish one. It also means that you cannot continue via the National Board of Health and Welfare to obtain your licence. In this case you have to choose another option.

You can for example take additional training at a college or university. You can find the eligibility requirements on the universities websites. However, there are only a limited number of places available on these trainings. When you have completed your additional training you can apply for the licence at the National Board of Health and Welfare.

If you do not get in to additional training you can study to obtain a Swedish degree first and then apply for a licence to practice in your profession.

Do you have questions about how to apply?

Telephone: 075-247 30 00
Telephone hours: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 9–11
E-mail: fragoromansokan@socialstyrelsen.se

Do you have questions about your current application?

If you have submitted an application and have questions about your application, you can contact us. Always state your case number (diary number). During the summer, we have lower staffing, which results in longer response times to incoming questions.

Telephone: 075-247 30 00
Telephone hours: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 9–11
E-mail: socialstyrelsen@socialstyrelsen.se

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