Step 2: Take a proficiency test

Once your education has been assessed, the next step is to take a proficiency test. The test will determine whether your proficiency meets the requirements for successfully completing the remaining steps. The test is administered in Swedish and you will have to know Swedish in order to pass the test.

To get your licence as a midwife you have to take two different proficiency tests. First you need to take the test for nurses and then the test for midwives. The Swedish training to become a midwife is a supplementary training that follows the training to become a nurse. You therefor have to show your skills and knowledge both as a nurse and as a midwife. A licence to practice as a nurse responsible for general care is however not a requirement for a licence to practice as a midwife.

Follow these steps

  1. First you hav to do the proficiency test for nurses. Sign up for the proficiency test for nurses at Gothenburg University
  2. Conduct the test on site at the University. More information at the University web site.
  3. When you have passed the test for nurses you also have to take the test for midwifes*. Sign up for the proficiency test for midwifes at Lund University
  4. Conduct the test on site at the University.More information at the University web site.

* You can also chose to apply for a licence through the Swedish National Board of Health and Welfare as a nurse before you continue to the way of midwife. For information about the way to a licence as a nurse see 

Frequently asked questions

Can I get help preparing for the proficiency test?

In some situations you may have the opportunity to prepare for the proficiency test. Contact the university or Swedish Employment Service (Arbetsförmedlingen) for more information.

What happens if I do not pass?

  • You will have up to five attempts to pass the theoretical part and three attempts to pass the practical one.
  • If you do not pass the test on your first attempt you will from that day on have a time limit of five years to pass it.
  • If you have passed the theoretical part, but have not passed the practical part yet, the five years limit starts counting on July 1, 2019.
  • You will find more information about the tests on the Universities webb sites, for the nurses Gothenburg University  and for midwife Lund University.

Do you have further questions about this step?

Please visit the Lund University and Gothenburg Universtity web sites for more information about the test.

Regulations for proficiency tests (in Swedish)

Order of priority in proficiency tests (in Swedish)

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