Nurse responsible for general care educated in EU or EEA

If you are a specialist nurse trained in the EU or EEA, you can apply for the right to call yourself a specialised nurse following the instructions on this page. Here are also instructions for those who have had your specialist training recognized in an EU or EEA country and have worked there for at least three years as a specialised nurse.

1. Swedish licence first, then permission to use the title

If you want to work as a specialised nurse in Sweden you need to have a Swedish licence to practice as a nurse and permission to use the title of specialised nurse. This professional title is protected. This means that only those who have the right to call themselves a specialised nurse may call themselves a specialised nurse in their specialist area.

You can apply for both a licence and the right to call yourself a specialised nurse at the same time.

2. How to apply

You can apply by

  • completing our web form
  • sending in a completed application form and the required documents by post.


Apply via web form


The application for the right to call yourself a specialised nurse (pdf)


You apply by paying the fee, completing the web form or application form and sending it to us along with the required documents.

If you apply via application form you can send the application through the post or by e-mail. Remember to save the application form before you start filling it out if you want to send the form by email, and please attach your scanned documents in PDF format.

If you would like to apply for permission to use the title of specialised nurse at the same time as you apply for your licence to practice as a nurse, you can send the necessary documentation at the same time as you send you licence application.

The form states which specialties you can apply for.

Pay the application fee when you send in your application

The fee for applying for permission to use the title of specialised nurse is SEK 990. If you use another currency, make sure that you pay the exact amount in SEK. Keep in mind that exchange rates vary from day to day. Please send your payment to Bankgiro 790-3750 at the same time as you send in your application. If you send your payment from abroad, please send it to IBAN: SE3612000000012810104980, SWIFT: DABASESX.

Write your personal identity number (personnummer) in the message box in the format YYYYMMDDXXXX, without hyphens, dashes or spaces. If you do not have a Swedish personal identity number please enter your date of birth in the format YYYYMMDD and you name in the format firstnamesurname. Please note that if someone else is making the payment, they need to enter your personal identity number.

Sending in the application

Use the web form or send in a completed application form.

In the application please enclose certified copies and translations of

  • an account statement or an image that shows that you have paid the application fee
  • a copy of a valid ID document (e.g. a copy on the first page of your valid passport or a copy of a national ID card)
  • a certificate of your specialist training
  • a certificate showing your level of education under Article 11 of EU directive 2005/36/EC
  • a document from the school or college where you were trained which describes the courses you completed as part of your specialist training, their content and duration
  • a document showing name change if you have changed your name since you completed your education (for example marriage certificate).

Applicants with specialist qualifications from outside of the EU and EEA

Applicants with specialist qualifications outside of the EU and EEA may apply in the same way as those educated in the EU or EEA in some cases. This applies to those who have had their professional qualification as a specialised nurse recognised in an EU or EEA country and have worked there as a specialised nurse for three years. 

To demonstrate this, in addition to the above documents, send certified copies and translations of

  • a proof of competence or a certificate of recognition of your specialist qualification
  • a certificate confirming that you have worked for at least three years as a specialised nurse in the country, and meet the requirements of Article 3.3 of EU directive 2005/36/EC.

3. Frequently asked questions

How do I request a certificate from an authority?

Contact the competent authority of the EU or EEA country where you were educated or last worked in your profession to request the certificates showing that you

  • Meet the requirements of the EU directive.
  • Have not been prohibited from pursuing your profession.

If you do not know which authority to contact, search the EU Regulated professions database.

What rules apply to translation of documents?

Documents which are written in Swedish, Norwegian, Danish or English do not need to be translated. The translation can be performed in any country. Translation means that a certified translator translates your documents to Swedish or English. Kammarkollegiet (The Legal, Financial and Administrative Services Agency) has a register of authorized translators.

Do you have questions about how to apply?

Telephone: 075-247 30 00
Telephone hours: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 9–11

Do you have questions about your current application?

If you have submitted an application and have questions about your application, you can contact us. Always state your case number (diary number).

Telephone: 075-247 30 00
Telephone hours: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 9–11


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