Specialised doctor of medicine educated in EU or EEA
1. Swedish licence first, then recognition of specialist qualification
Those who want to work as a specialist in Sweden need to have a Swedish licence to practice as a doctor of medicine and recognition of their specialist qualification. This professional title is protected. This means that only those who have proof of a specialist qualification may call themselves a specialist in their specialist area.
You can find the different specialities in Läkarnas specialiseringstjänstgöring – Målbeskrivningar 2015 [Doctors' Specialisation training – Requirements 2015].
2. How to apply
Apply via our e-service by identifying yourself using e-identification (Bank ID). You can pay the application fee directly in the e-service. If you do not have a Bank ID, you can apply using our web form, but you will then need to pay the fee before you apply and also verify your identity by attaching a copy of your identification document.
The application must contain
(Attached files must be in digital form in pdf format.)
- your specialist qualification
- certificate which confirms that you meet the requirements in the EU directive (Certificate of Conformity)
- certificate of name change, if you have changed your name after completing the training (for example a marriage certificate).
Documents written in Swedish, Norwegian, Danish or English do not need to be translated. The translation can be done in any country. Translation means that a certified translator translates your documents to Swedish or English. The Swedish Legal, Financial and Administrative Services Agency (Kammarkollegiet) has a register of certified translators. The National Board of Health and Welfare also accepts translations from the Public Employment Service (Arbetsförmedlingen).
The application must contain
(Attached files must be in digital form in pdf format.)
- a bank statement or receipt showing that the application fee has been paid
- a copy of a valid Swedish ID or a copy of your valid passport
- your specialist qualification
- certificate which confirms that you meet the requirements in the EU directive (Certificate of Conformity)
- certificate of name change, if you have changed your name after completing the training (for example a marriage certificate).
Documents written in Swedish, Norwegian, Danish or English do not need to be translated. The translation can be done in any country. Translation means that a certified translator translates your documents to Swedish or English. The Swedish Legal, Financial and Administrative Services Agency (Kammarkollegiet) has a register of certified translators. The National Board of Health and Welfare also accepts translations from the Public Employment Service (Arbetsförmedlingen).
Fill in your e-mail address
We will send the decision to you by e-mail, so you need to fill in your email address in the application form. If you have not filled in your e-mail address, the decision will be sent via regular mail.
Application form
If you are unable to use the e-service or the web form, you can apply using the application form, which you send by post. The application process will then be longer than for both the e-service and the web form. Download and print the application form:
The application form for recognition of a specialist qualification (pdf)
3. Frequently asked questions
Do you have questions about how to apply?
Telephone: 075-247 30 00
Telephone hours: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 9–11
E-mail: fragoromansokan@socialstyrelsen.se
Do you have questions about your current application?
If you have submitted an application and have questions about your application, you can contact us. Always state your case number (diary number).
Telephone: 075-247 30 00
Telephone hours: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 9–11
E-mail: socialstyrelsen@socialstyrelsen.se