The fee for applying for a licence is SEK 990. If you use another currency, make sure that you pay the exact amount in SEK. Keep in mind that exchange rates vary from day to day. Please send your payment to Bankgiro 790-3750 when you send in your application. If you apply for both license and proof of specialist competence at the same time, you will need to pay one application fee for licence and one application fee per specialist competence.
If you send your payment from abroad, please send it to IBAN: SE3612000000012810104980, SWIFT: DABASESX.
Write your personal identity number (personnummer) in the message box in the format YYYYMMDDXXXX, without hyphens, dashes or spaces. If you do not have a Swedish personal identity number please enter your date of birth in the format YYYYMMDD, and you name in the format firstnamesurname. Please note that if someone else is making the payment, they need to enter your personal identity number.